The Harbinger

The Harbinger is a Great Being who monitors the status of the quantum barrier protecting the multiverse. If anything were to happen to the barrier, he is to warn the Great Beings of the multiverse's demise. He is highly respected by the other Great Beings, enough to be named a Great Sage.

Table of Contents

'The Harbinger' - Great Sage of Truth


Long ago, The Harbinger wandered the cosmic void alone, searching for his purpose. Like many Great Beings, he attempted to create a unique body for himself, but discovered that the void would rapidly destroy his creation in a process called Entropy. For The Harbinger, this was unacceptable, and he vowed to find a way put an end to Entropy once and for all.

Eventually while wandering, he discovered the multiverse - an exponentially expanding series of interwoven dimensions and timelines in the dimensions of space-time below him. At the same time, he met Centia - the three Great Sages anchoring and concealing the multiverse from the destruction of the void.

Centia took a liking to him. They found they shared many similar ambitions - including putting an end to Entropy - and eventually formed an alliance out of respect for each other. In exchange for Centia's allegiance, The Harbinger would patrol the barrier separating the multiverse from the void, and would warn its inhabitants it the barrier ever fell. From that point on, he adopted the name 'The Harbinger.'

From outside the multiverse, he observed the experiments of the other Great Beings, and witnessed the effects they had on the universes around them. However, The Harbinger would grow annoyed with the Great Beings within the multiverse, seeing their experiments as unfocused and unproductive. The worst offender of all was The Master, whose interference within the multiverse he thought did more harm than good.

When word got out of The Harbinger's existence, the Great Beings named him a Great Sage out of gratitude for his invaluable service.

Abilities & Tools

As a Great Being, The Harbinger is from a higher plain of reality, and is able to manipulate the universe around him. This allows him to create and destroy matter, energy, and spirits, but only from within the multiverse. He is unable to die, or be killed.

As a study, The Harbinger is only focused on one thing: Putting an end to Entropy itself. Though many Great Beings believe this is impossible, the entire purpose of their experiments is to achieve this goal. The Harbinger will stop at nothing to find the truth of Entropy's weakness, even if it means allowing the other Great Beings to conduct their experiments. He refers to himself as the 'Great Sage of Truth.'

Exposure to the dark energies in the void have led The Harbinger to exhibit symptoms of corruption, causing his body to periodically burst open to expel the darkness building inside of him.

The Harbinger carries a ceremonial staff given to him by Centia which allows him to instantly travel to any Great Being's location. He calls it the 'Requiem Staff,' as he will only ever use it to deliver the news of the end of the multiverse.

When The Harbinger's power is combined with that of another Great Being, they gain the ability to imprison a Great Being within an orb of space-time, which can only be undone if two or more Great Beings combine their power again.

Kanohi, the Great Being of Emotion, created the Kanohi Rode based on The Harbinger's appearance. The mask was given the power to see through all types of deception and disguises, based on The Harbinger's desire to learn the secrets of Entropy.


Like all Great Beings, The Harbinger is highly intelligent when compared to most sapient beings, due to being from a higher plain of reality.

The Harbinger spends the vast majority of his time alone, causing him to grow quite distant from the other Great Beings. Eons of wandering through the darkness of the void has left him weary, so his occasional social interactions are to-the-point - and if they're not, his short fuse will make it so. Despite his weariness, he is always focused on his ultimate goal: To pursue the truth of Entropy, so that one day he can bring its curse to an end.

The Harbinger's true name is a secret, and all beings who encounter him simply refer to him as 'The Harbinger.'


The Harbinger is directly inspired by Sumireko Usami, a character from the Touhou Project series. Some aspects of his character design where based directly on Sumireko. The Harbinger also shares Sumireko's theme, 'Last Occultism ~ Esotericist of the Present World.' 

The black Kanohi Rode is a custom mask that was resin casted by Ziontyro Customs.