Great Being Powers

Great Being Studies

The sole force driving a Great Being's motives is their study. Great Beings live to learn, research, experiment and gather data. Each Great Being is unique in their pursuits, which often leads to trouble, disagreements, and conflicting ideals.


The study of Conflict is controversial, as it pits the sapient beings of the multiverse against one another for the sole purpose of rapid development. An often short-sighted study, it values the strength of a population over all else, which is guaranteed to eventually lead to either disaster, or perfection.

Known Researchers: Heremus


The study of Corruption is purely scientific. It involves researching the negative effects of Entropy on matter, energy, and spirits. Few Great Beings are known to research corruption as it reminds them too much of the Void, which no Great Being longs to live in. Those who study Corruption are often labeled as outcasts and avoided. Which, given the volatile nature of Entropy, often leads to these researchers going insane.

Known Researchers: Kae-Oss


The study of Creation is the most common form of study for all Great Beings, as almost all of them participate in it in one way or another. This study involves researching the formation of matter and energy randomly or through creative engineering. This study can only be safely practiced within the Multiverse, which was created by the Great Beings with that purpose in mind.

Known Researchers: Domarius


The study of Desire is closely linked with the study of Spirits. Sapient beings naturally tend to posses desires, either selfless or selfish. Those who study Desire are fascinated by the ambitions of sapient beings and sometimes even wish to adopt and fulfil these desires themselves in an attempt to learn the meanings behind them.

Known Researchers: Tomidas


The study of Emotion focuses entirely on the vast range of diverse and complex emotions that sapient beings can feel. Great Beings are not usually known to sympathize with beings they deem lesser than themselves, but those who study Emotion often seem to relate closely to the struggles of mortal beings, and wish to understand them better.

Known Researchers: Kanohi


The study of Nature is nearly as all-encompassing as Creation, however it focuses solely on the natural phenomena of the multiverse. Great Beings who study Nature typically have little to no ego, and often prefer to spend more time observing and documenting nature taking its course rather than experimenting.

Known Researchers: Crasevous


The study of Spatiotemporality is the study of spacetime. This is a study often associated with the Great Sages, as most of them posses a masterful understanding of it. Great Beings who study Spatiotemporality typically prefer to conduct experiments at universal scales. They will usually take care to avoid disturbing the experiments of others by limiting their research to the farthest corners of the multiverse. Usually.

Known Researchers: The Master, Centia

Spirit Judgement

The study of Spirit Judgement was founded by the Great Being Domarius. Spirit Judgement involves researching the actions of departed spirits, and determining whether their destiny was ultimately good, evil, or incomplete. Based on this, Domarius would send the spirit to spend their afterlife in Meikaitu-Nui, or incinerate it in the core of the Red Star.

Known Researchers: Domarius


The study of Spirit is the study of the metaphysical consciousnesses that all sapient life forms in the multiverse posses, even after death. It is yet unknown what natural phenomenon allows such things to come into existence, but developments in this research topic are crucial to understanding the origins of the Great Beings themselves.

Known Researchers: Yukore


The study of Truth is one few still adopt. It serves to seek the ultimate solution to the dilemma of Entropy, and bring about its end. Most Great Beings have given up on this pursuit, as stopping or reversing Entropy has yet proven to be impossible. But those who still study Truth strive to test every single possibility - even those that only have a fraction of a percent chance of working - otherwise, all other Great Beings' research will have been for nothing.

Known Researchers: The Harbinger


As a study, Centia is fascinated by universes, as they were among the some of the first to discover their abilities to manipulate spacetime. They became renowned as Great Sages due to their selfless actions, and they refer to themselves as the 'Great Sages of Unity.' 

Known Researchers: Centia


As a study, Angonce is fascinated by the actions of spirits. He learned to create guiding principles that transcend space-time, and would present these 'Virtues' to civilizations around the multiverse in an attempt to influence them.

Known Researchers: Angonce

+Infinitely more yet undocumented studies