The Master

The Master is a Great Being who specializes in manipulating the multiverse to his will. Because of his extreme power, he is feared and respected by the other Great Beings, enough to be named a Great Sage.

Table of Contents

'The Master' - Great Sage of the Multiverse


Long ago, The Master wandered the cosmic void alone, searching for his purpose. Like many Great Beings, he attempted to create a unique body for himself, but discovered that the void would rapidly destroy his creation in a process called Entropy.

Eventually while wandering, he discovered the multiverse - an exponentially expanding series of interwoven dimensions and timelines in the dimensions of space-time below him. At the same time, he met Centia - the three Great Sages anchoring and concealing the multiverse from the destruction of the void.

The Master was fascinated by the structure of the multiverse, and how the actions of spirits within could alter the flow of time through cause and effect. He met with Centia, who allowed him to enter the multiverse to observe and experiment. There, he observed the experiments of the other Great Beings, and witnessed the effects they had on the universes around them.

Seeing the experiments of the Great Beings as childish and futile, The Master decided to instead study the flow of time, and how minor alterations to a universe could manipulate cause and effect in his favor. 

However, The Master found that he was unable to observe enough of the multiverse at a time to accurately predict the results of his alterations. To counter this, The Master began recruiting servants from the multiverse to do the observing for him, which is how he gained the title 'The Master.' One such servant, Minion - a being from a remote universe - would grow to become his most trusted, and now carries out many tasks in The Master's stead.

The Master learned to expertly manipulate space-time rifts, which he would look through to observe specific events. The Master created a room in the space between universes, where he would sit in a golden throne and surround himself with these rifts.

He became particularly fond of the universe which contains Spherus Magna, and began to manipulate it to produce the effects he desired. He would go on to plant the idea to create a machine which could extract artifacts of power from the multiverse in the mind of Karzahni

The Master predicted the machine Karzahni would build would malfunction, causing any object that contained large amounts of power to be pulled into Karzahni's universe instead. One of The Master's servants warned him that this would destroy that universe's version of the Matoran Universe. In response, The Master killed the servant for insubordination. 

Of course, The Master was already aware of that Matoran Universe's imminent destruction, and teleported the rift created by Karzahni's machine out into space, directly in the path of Mata Nui. The Master then offered Karzahni the chance to become one of his servants, to replace the one he had just killed. Karzahni accepted, but his interactions with The Master eventually drove him insane, making him useless to The Master.

Karzahni's rift did exactly as The Master predicted, causing the Dimensional Relocation of Luna Magna. This incident set in motion a chain of events that The Master went on to closely study and observe. 

The Master would later make contact with the Order of Mata Nui from that universe, and provided them insight and information in order to subtly influence them.

The Great Beings eventually took notice of The Master's interference in their affairs, and some even united to oppose him. However, The Master threatened the Great Beings, that if they ever tried to imprison him, he'd deal irreversible damage to the multiverse as a whole, and influence Centia to expose the multiverse to Entropy.

The Great Beings took heed of the threat, and backed down. Out of fear, respect, and demand from The Master himself, the Great Beings named him a Great Sage.

Abilities & Tools

As a Great Being, The Master is from a higher plain of reality, and is able to manipulate the universe around him. This allows him to create and destroy matter, energy, and spirits, but only from within the multiverse. He is unable to die, or be killed.

As a study, The Master is fascinated by the multiverse. He learned to maximize his observation abilities to near-omnipotent levels, which allows him to precisely and accurately predict and manipulate cause and effect within the multiverse for his own gain. He refers to himself as the 'Great Sage of the Multiverse.'

When The Master's power is combined with that of another Great Being, they gain the ability to imprison a Great Being within an orb of space-time, which can only be undone if two or more Great Beings combine their power again.

The Master created an ornate, golden throne for himself to occupy while comfortably observing the results of his work in the multiverse.

Kanohi, the Great Being of Emotion, created the Kanohi Olmak based on The Master's appearance. The mask was given the power to create Dimensional Gates, based on The Master's advanced control over space-time rifts.


Like all Great Beings, The Master is highly intelligent when compared to most sapient beings, due to being from a higher plain of reality. However, even among Great Beings he is highly intelligent, often playing them for fools.

The Master is cocky, and loves to brag about his intellect. Although, he sometimes finds himself lonesome due to the extreme power he possesses, which is one of the reasons he often recruits lesser beings as his servants.

The Master's true name is a secret, and all beings who encounter him simply refer to him as 'The Master.'


The Master is directly inspired by Yukari Yakumo, a character from the Touhou Project series. His character and some aspects of his character design were based directly on Yukari. The Master also shares Yukari’s theme, 'Necrofantasia.'